Restful Rooms

To the rear of a beautiful Edwardian home is a long narrow garden - just 5 metres wide but 40 metres long. The clients were keen to break up the space, but requirements included a straight path front to back for easy access to the design studio at the rear of the plot, and a sight-line directly from the house to the design studio. The clients are active, love the outdoors and the English countryside. They are keen to spend time in the garden with their devoted welsh terrier…who loves to laze in the sun.

Another stipulation was lawn and borders with beautiful country garden plants. My decision on the design was to break up the garden into five ‘rooms’: existing patio area which would largely not change, a gravel garden with water feature, the lawn and border section, a meadow area and then the rear design studio, again which would remain as is. Retaining those accesses and sight-lines required creativity to break up the space, but the new design still invites curiosity from the garden explorer, but also ensures a speedy commute from house to design studio via the straight pathway.